Clairvoyance Attunement


Welcome to Akashic Attunements with Tia Marie

This session is to help you establish a deeper connection to the intuitive gift of Clairvoyance, by opening your innate channel to them.

This will help you receive messages clearly through intuitive seeing as if you are viewing a daydream in your mind’s eye.

This attunement is designed to be gradual so as to not shock your nervous system. Work with this ability and revisit the attunement as you feel the need to turn up the volume on this Clair ability. It is advised to only work on a single Clair at a time.

This Attunement Session is to help open the channels and pathways that already exist within you. To attune- is to make you receptive or aware of something that is already existing within you. Through this energy session, we will open this pathway, clear any doubt or fear you might have and allow this energy connection to flow more freely and deeply within you.

After your purchase, you will receive an audio download in the form of an .m4a file.

*I cannot guarantee the results of this Attunement, every person is different and has different needs and abilities. You still need to be willing to develop this skill as it is like a muscle and gets stronger and more stable with use.

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