Guided Akashic Healing: Manifestation Meditation


Welcome to this Guided Akashic Healing with Tia Marie

This Healing Session intention is to help you call in your deepest desires and manifest them into your reality. For best results write down your manifestation and use this guided manifestation meditation for 21 days.

Holotropic breathing is a type of breathwork that can be done using the circular breathing technique. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find a comfortable and quiet place where you won't be disturbed for the duration of the meditation.

  2. Lie down on your back and get comfortable. You may want to place a pillow under your head or knees to support your body.

  3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body.

  4. Begin the circle breathing technique by taking a deep breath in through your mouth or nose, filling your lungs completely.

  5. Exhale forcefully through your mouth or nose, letting out all the air in your lungs.

  6. Without pausing, take another deep breath in and repeat the process of exhaling forcefully.

  7. Continue this pattern of breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling forcefully in a circular rhythm without pausing or holding your breath.

  8. As you continue to breathe in this way, you may begin to feel sensations in your body such as tingling, warmth, or vibration.

  9. Allow yourself to surrender to the experience and let go of any thoughts or judgments that arise.

  10. Go at your own pace and listen to your body. Do not do anything that does not feel good to you. If you fall out of the breath pattern, come back to it.

  11. After you finish, lie quietly for a few moments and observe any sensations, emotions, or insights that may have arisen during the practice.

It's important to note that holotropic breathing can be an intense experience, and it's not recommended for everyone. If you have a history of respiratory problems or other health concerns, it's best to check with your healthcare provider before trying this practice. You are always welcome to do the meditation without the breath practice.

Enjoy this beautiful guided meditation with the added benefit of Theta Wave Music and energy healing.

Using Akashic Healing and Reiki I tap into the Akashic Records to deliver you this peaceful and rejuvenating healing session. All you need to do to receive it is follow along with the meditation.

Akashic Healing and Reiki are both very gentle forms of energy healing. Please always make sure you are under the care of a physician for any health issues you might be having, this does not serve as a substitute. This healing makes a great complement to holistic and allopathic care.

Please never listen to this audio when your full attention is needed for activities at work, operating machinery, or driving your vehicle.

*Akashic Healing Sessions do not replace medical care. If you feel unwell please see a medical professional.

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