136.1 Hz Om Frequency- Ground into you Physical Body


Welcome to Akashic Healing with Tia Marie

This Healing Session intention is to help you Ground Deeply into your physical body, releasing any fear, trapped emotions, energy blocks, or past life trauma that causes you to feel unsafe in your body. Once you are more firmly connected to your body and established a sense of security, we can re-establish a deep grounding cord to the earth. Using Akashic Healing and Reiki I tap into the Akashic Records to deliver you this peaceful and rejuvenating healing session. All you need to do to receive it is accept it.

Akashic Healing and Reiki are both very gentle forms of energy healing. Please always make sure you are under the care of a physician for any health issues you might be having, this does not serve as a substitute. This healing makes a great complement to holistic and allopathic care.

This session also included energy from Rainbow Reiki, Ultraviolet Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, and Golden Reiki.

Please never listen to this audio when your full attention is needed for activities at work, operating machinery, or driving your vehicle.

*Akashic Healing Sessions do not replace medical care. If you feel unwell please see a medical professional.

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